Santorini, GR 10 C

COVID-19 Travel Update


STAY SAFE at mARTrona Cave Houses

Safety is our main priority for you and your family during your holidays to our cave houses.

Our staff

All our staff has participated in online seminars created by the Greek government and received a certificate of prevention measures of any possible illness.

All staff members are aware of how the Covid-19 virus is transmitted and are able to provide information to guests.

Personal contact such as handshake, high five or hug to welcome guests will not be allowed.

An infection control Supervisor & Coordinator has been established to ensure that the implementation of infection control requirements is achieved.

Every staff member is equipped with personal protective equipment (masks, gloves).

Safety protocols at martrona cave houses

Preparing the Room – Cleaning

Before your arrival and during your staying we have a number of safety measures taken.

  • Room , furniture and device are sterilized by the housekeepers keeping all the safety rules.
  • We use sterilizers with steam press for total sterilization of our rooms.
  • Reinforced room cleaning products eco friendly for extra disinfection


  • Keeping the distances
  • All employees are trained and wearing PPE
  • We provide Contactless payments with credit cards
  • Sanitizers in rooms
  • Sterilization with steam press and eco friendly cleaning products

Please be so kind and keep all the safety measures for a pleasant and healthy vacation.

Thank you so much and welcome to mARTrona Cave Houses.

Health first